4 May, 2024, 12:32

PGA Pro Tips: How to Stop From Coming Over the Top

In the sport of golf, your stance and posture can make or break your swing. If you don’t position your body correctly, you could miss that perfect shot by “coming over the top.” For golf enthusiasts, this dreaded habit is a key element that needs to be corrected in order to fine tune their game.

What is “Coming Over the Top”

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, “coming over the top” happens when you allow your upper body to open too far outward in your backswing, resulting in the ball being hit from the outside. More specifically, your body moves in an outward direction, rather than a downward direction. If your swing is producing a slice or a pull, coming over the top may be your problem.

So What Do I Do?

To help you solve this common mistake, we picked the brain of PGA pro, David Fazio for some coming over the top cures.

The main culprit of coming over the top lies in the rear shoulder because it’s allowing your swing to venture outside of the desired swing plane. To avoid this, practice moving your shoulder downwards towards your rear hip, which will help keep your swing rotation close to your body. This downward movement is essential to keep yourself from coming over the top.

Explore These Training Exercises

Practice makes perfect, and there are a variety of drills you can do to help your body memorize this downswing movement. One of Fazio’s favorites is an underhand toss drill. To do this, place the ball in the hand farthest from your target, then bring your hand up as if you’re swinging your club. Swing your arm down to complete the underhand toss, but try to release the ball at a 90-degree angle away from the front of your body. Meeting this 90-degree angle will ensure that your swing movement stays in the correct line.

Ready to Practice?

At the Eaglewood Resort & Spa, you can experience one of Chicago’s top championship golf courses, surrounded by scenic lakes and wide, rolling greens. With seasonal golf outings, private and group lessons, and annual passes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to put these PGA tips to the test.
